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Social Media Policy 

Statement of Intent


This is the social media policy statement of:


South Cambridgeshire Equestrian Centre


Our social media policy is to:


  • Proactively use social media channels to communicate with our riding school and livery clients on an instant and informal basis but in no way that is to the detriment of our safeguarding policies or the young people with whom we interact.

  • We will ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place to ensure that users are protected from harm when interacting with our social media

  • Online content will only ever be created by the management of the centre or those with express authorisation from the centre

  • Content will only ever be created as 'South Cambridgeshire Equestrian Centre' and never as individuals, regardless of their role

  • Friend requests from anyone under 18 years of age will not be accepted and centre staff are also encouraged to refuse friend requests from minors

  • Photographic or video images will only ever be posted online with the express permission of those featured, we request that any visitors to the centre posting content also request permission from others that may potentially feature.

  • Any inappropriate content which could be deemed as cyberbullying, grooming, potential abuse, identity theft or other inappropriate content will be removed from our channels and reported to Social Media operators.

  • Any concerns identified can be reported to the centre safeguarding officer (CSO) James Shepherd (07973 871580) or to specialists such as

  • In the event of concerns that an individual may be at risk of immediate harm, reporting should be made through the police by calling 999



Updated - 24th June 2023 Review due - 24th June 2024

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